In the rush to 'modernise', Mbale's historic environment is under immense threat. Across Uganda, older, iconic buildings are fast disappearing and those that do survive are often dwarfed by new construction. This means people are losing important connections to our shared past. And our cities are losing their unique, distinguishing features. Building on successes elsewhere, the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) is now working to safeguard historic buildings in the eastern city of Mbale.
Last year, Mbale was designated one of ten new cities in Uganda, meaning that there is a huge rush to develop. Often at the expense of older building stock or public space. Our project seeks to slow the pace of demolition and inappropriate new construction by raising awareness amongst both the general public and property owners of the importance of a good quality historic environment. We will also demonstrate how heritage can contribute to people's wellbeing as well as the economy.
The campaign to 'Save historic buildings in Mbale' aims to promote urban tourism by documenting and publishing a map of older buildings, monuments and sites in the city. We will install at least 10 plaques on historic buildings and 4 larger information boards. And to further increase public awareness of our precious and fast disappearing urban heritage, we will hold a competition for young people who will create short, personal films about Mbale's historic buildings.
The project will change attitudes to the historic environment of Mbale, creating interest in cultural preservation and sustainable development. It will open the door to the study of history for local youth and will provide an alternative path for developing tourism in the city. Longer term, changes in policy will ensure the preservation of Mbale's cultural heritage identity for future generations.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).