Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia

by Time of Peace Foundation
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia
Save 500 Children From Sexual Abuse In Colombia


Our purpose is to educate children between 4 - 12 years old in sexual education and prevention of sexual abuse, and to train parents to warn and to face this issue. This will be done through reflection journeys and story books for educating childrens and parents.

total goal
monthly donors


According to UNICEF 228 children are sexually abused each hour in Latin America and the Caribbean. Despite of seriousness of this felony, most of cases are not detected nor reported. More of the 80% of the abusers are people close to the child. Child abuse is not a matter of poverty, social status or religious belief. Any child is at risk of being abused.


If we educate children between 4 - 12 years old in sexual education they can take care of theirselves and when parents are also trained, they can warn this issue, they could identify different kinds and risks of abuse and some symptoms for identifying if children are being abused

Long-Term Impact

It is not only for protecting children but for claiming for a future generation sexually, emotionally and physically healthy. It has been demonstrated early sexual education and good communication between parents and children reduce sexual abuse probability. Assertiveness is a social ability for a person to express in a clear and direct way. Children who develop strategies for confronting, for asking for help, and for rejecting any bother proposal are stronger and they are not easily abused.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Organization Information

Time of Peace Foundation

Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Liliana Isaza
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia

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