Every 10 minutes,one woman dies on account of pregnancy or childbirth in Nigeria-UNICEF. 33% of neonatal deaths are attributed to infections; the main factors contributing to the high incidence of neonatal and maternal tetanus and sepsis is that majority of deliveries take place under unclean circumstances-WHO. This project provides clean delivery kits, treated bed nets, pregnancy health training and blood pressure checks to 1000 rural women across Nigeria.
Due to poverty, lack of well-equipped medical facilities and pregnancy health information women in rural areas face great risks during pregnancy and delivery. Many babies are delivered at home by Traditional birth attendants under unhygienic conditions. Malaria is also prevalent in Nigeria. Maternal mortality rates vary significantly within Nigeria. They are higher in rural areas, where the rate is estimated to be around 828 per 100,000 live births (nearly three times the global average) -WHO.
This project provides clean delivery kits containing essential sterilized items which ensure a hygienic delivery, using WHO guidelines. It contains items such as; absorbent delivery mats, sterilized hand gloves,antiseptic liquid,cord ties and more. Beneficiaries also receive Treated bed nets to protect from malaria, blood pressure checks and pregnancy health training to inform and increase post/antenatal attendance, immunization, hospital delivery and hygienic delivery practices.
This project will contribute significantly to the reduction of maternal mortality in Nigeria. It will be scaled to all rural communities in Nigeria. There will be an overall reduction in cases of infections during delivery, malaria and lack of pregnancy health information. This project will also increase level of awareness on the importance of hospital delivery, immunization, vaccination and hygiene during pregnancy and delivery.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).