Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens

by Salem Union
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens
Inspire the Growth of Kazakhstan's Global Citizens

Project Report | Apr 6, 2021
Time for a conference - sort of

By Tim Munday | Project Leader

Taking in one of the conference sessions
Taking in one of the conference sessions

Like with many parts of the world just now, things are still somewhat restricted in Kazakhstan at the moment due to Covid. However, unlike for some, there is enough freedom to hold events in small groups, so long as certain limits are not exceeded.

And so it was that we were able to avoid moving to an online event for Salem Social Village's annual conference for English Teachers in the city this year. As ever there was lots of interest, but we kept it small. Instead of the normal plenary sessions, we structured everything around multiple small seminars.

This meant that we were able to put on a viable event within the rules of what was allowed, and cover a greater variety of topics than ever before. The event had a very different feel to it, unsurprisingly, but feedback was again very positive, with many commenting on how helpful it was to focus in on the softer side of education, surrounding attitudes, identity, respect and so on.

There are lots of things we at Salem still can't do due to COVID restrictions, but it's rewarding to be able to get on with those things that we can do! Investing in those who are educating the city's next generation is always worthwhile.

The attendees all together - but only outside!
The attendees all together - but only outside!
Gathering inspiration
Gathering inspiration
Gaining new knowledge
Gaining new knowledge


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Organization Information

Salem Union

Location: Shymkent, South Kazakhstan - Kazakhstan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ssvshymkent
Project Leader:
Tim Munday
Shymkent , South Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
$96,830 raised of $150,000 goal
447 donations
$53,170 to go
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