City of Split in Croatia has less than 10% of the necessary capacity for accommodation for women who are leaving violent relationships and because of that Domine started running an unofficial crisis center. Crisis center offers urgent, safe and free accommodation for women in crisis situations where they have access to free psychological, legal and psychosocial help and support.
Everyone has been negatively impacted by COVID-19 in immeasurable ways, and this includes women experiencing an increase in domestic and sexual violence during the pandemic. The Croatian government is failing them due to lack of shelters, SOS helplines, crisis centers, counseling, etc. No crisis accommodation exists for them, and the pandemic has shown us that this is a desperately needed social service-our Counseling Center has had a massive 300% increase in hours of support provided to women.
In response to the lack of crisis accommodation in Croatia, Domine started acting as a crisis center. We partnered with local renters and created a network of apartments that we are using for emergency housing. Our plan is to open our own emergency housing center to protect even more women. The current numbers are unforeseen and we lack the necessary funds. Now, as time is of the essence, we ask for your help to fund a safe space for these brave women who need safe and urgent accommodation.
Croatia as a whole lacks safe housing for women victims of violence. Split-Dalmatia county meets only 10% of safe housing needs and doesn't have any crisis accommodation. This service will allow women to leave violent relationships, have a place to go after assaults, and start a new life. During their stay, they'll have access to all of Domine's services. If we meet our project goal, we'll be able to run the crisis center for a year, allowing many more women to live a life without violence.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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