Providing safe drinking water for govt school kids

by Hindu Seva Pratishthana
Providing safe drinking water for govt school kids


Children from Govt schools in India often do not have access to clean drinking water. There have many cases of children falling sick after drinking water from hand pumps or other contaminated water sources. The project is created with the objective of providing safe drinking water to these kids. We will identify & reach out to 25 schools in rural parts of Karnataka which require this support and provide a water purifier and 80 litre storage tank, which would serve the children of these schools.

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Children studying in Govt Schools in India (specially in rural parts) often do not access to clean drinking water. This is resulting in many School children often falling sick. Children are forced to drink water from unsafe sources such as hand pumps or directly from bore well pipes. The levels of contaminants are often high enough to cause adverse health effects such as nausea, skin rash, vomiting and dizziness.


The project has the objective of providing the option of safe drinking water to the children. We plan to identify 25 schools from rural parts of Karnataka, India, where this intervention is required and provide each school with a water purifier and storage tank with enough capacity to meet the requirement of the children in the school.

Long-Term Impact

We plan to reach out to 25 schools. Taking an average strength of 300 children per school, we will providing clean drinking water to more than 7000 children- every year. As the water purifiers and storage tanks are long term installations, this project will potentially benefit thousands more children over the years.


Organization Information

Hindu Seva Pratishthana

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka - India
Project Leader:
Venkatesha Murthy
Bangalore , Karnataka India

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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