Project Report
| Jun 21, 2021
Rehabilitation of the storage water tank
By Mbeng Simon | The Director
During the last period Better Family Foundation carried out many activities. Amongst these activities carried out is the financial assistance of eighty thousand francs given to Fundong village for the rehabilitation of their water storage tank. The tank started leaking some years after construction due to poor construction.
Due to the socio-political crisis in the English speaking regions of Cameroon, the village development association which used to care and ensure the maintenance of the water scheme has stopped it's activities because many persons in the leadership position who used to managed the association had escaped from the village.
Realizing that the tank was leaking, the water caretaker, reported the situation to the traditional village authority who requested for assistance from Better Family Foundation. The management of Better Family Foundation disbursed the sum of eighty thousand francs to be used for the acquisition of materials and labour. All this money was from the funds received from GlobalGiving.
The rehabilitation work took three days and was effectively carried out. Better Family Foundation Management is thankful to all the donors of this program domain for helping the underprivileged communities to be able to have safe clean drinking water.
Feb 10, 2021
Conflict resolution in water management committee
By Mbeng Simon | The Director
During the last period the Management of Better Family Foundation (BFF) was invited to solve a conflict between the Water Management Committee of Fundong-Mentang-Ngwainkuma and Bainjong Water Management Committee and its caretaker.
The caretaker of this water scheme has not been given his monthly renumeration for about four years due to the deepening Anglophone socio-political crisis in the area in Cameroon. As a consequence, the caretaker recently refused to do his maintenance work on the pipeline and the whole water scheme was affected by leakages leading to water shortages and doubtful quality of water in these communities.
The Water Management Committee unable to handle the situation, invited the Management of Better Family Foundation to help intervene and solve the problem. BFF authority, invited all the stakeholders and held a crisis meeting and the issue was resolved. The communities decided to borrow some money from a microfinance organization in order to regularise the renumeration situation of the caretaker. The caretaker was then satisfied and decided to go back to work. BFF on its part helped to pay the transportation of all the invited delegates to the meeting.
The Management of Better Family Foundation remains grateful to all our donors for their moral, financial and material support for the sustainability of the program unit. We are equally grateful to GlobalGiving for the wonderful role they are playing to link Better Family Foundation to it's donors.
Sep 30, 2020
Making progress on Atuabuh water scheme
By Mbeng Simon | The Director
During this period Better Family Foundation (BFF) resumed work on the Atu-abuh water project. During this phase of the project, four stand taps were constructed and connected to the main pipeline. This was done under very tight security due to the socio-political situation that prevails in this community.
The Fundong Municipal Council assisted with some pipes, transportation of materials and provision of security to the workers. GlobalGiving funds collected were used in the extension of the project. Although, the work started up well, it didn't go for long before it was again suspended due to continuous road blocks linking Fundong to Bamenda. This road blocks have made the supply of materials very difficult and expensive.
The villagers of this community showed exceptional concern in doing their own tasks of the project especially as they had thought that the whole project has been suspended due to the way the workers were earlier molested due to the crisis. Though the work has been temporary suspended, it will resume the moment, the road blocks are uplighted and movement of materials made easier.
The village authority and Better Family Foundation Management remain thankful to all the donors who have contributed in anyway to ensure the success of this project admist the turbulent socio-political situation.