Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families

by Civic Village International
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families
Building Sustainable Homes for Poor Families


This project empowers Liberian communities with sustainable and affordable housing solutions, our project utilizes locally sourced materials and community-driven construction efforts, and we aim to provide safe and climate change-resilient homes for rural communities. Our approach not only addresses the urgent need for decent shelter but also fosters economic empowerment and environmental sustainability. Join us in creating lasting change and transforming lives one healthy home at a time.

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The problem in Liberia lies in the widespread lack of adequate housing among the urban and rural populations, exacerbated by the legacy of conflict and economic challenges. According to multinational entities such as the World Bank, approximately 95% of Liberians lack access to formal housing, with a significant portion residing in slums or informal settlements. The strain on housing infrastructure leads to overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions while reinforcing the cycles of poverty.


This project will provide sustainable and affordable housing solutions for impoverished families in Liberia by utilizing locally sourced materials and community-driven construction efforts. By empowering communities through training and employment opportunities, we aim to address the root causes of housing insecurity and poverty. Through our approach, we will not only improve living conditions for families but also foster economic resilience and self-sufficiency within these communities.

Long-Term Impact

The project's long-term impact encompasses breaking the cycle of poverty by providing sustainable housing solutions for impoverished families in Liberia. Through community-driven efforts, it cultivates a sense of ownership and cohesion among residents, fostering resilience. Economic empowerment via training and employment opportunities has the potential to spur broader economic development while environmentally sustainable practices contribute to a resilient and equitable society.


Organization Information

Civic Village International

Location: Toronto, ON - Canada
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @civic_village
Project Leader:
Binta Koffa
Toronto , ON Canada
$300 raised of $350,000 goal
3 donations
$349,700 to go
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