Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove

by Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD)
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove
Green Pakistan by Plant a Tree & Install FES Stove


Heavy floods hit the Jati and Sujawal area and all 30 villages were submerged in flood water. This project in necessary to rehabilitate the flood victims with a safe cooking environment.

total goal
monthly donors


Women using wood for cooking purposes will inhale smoke during cooking and subsequently damage their health, hygiene and environment. Women also bear the burden of collecting wood from outside. Women and children can be at risk due to the increase of CO2 gases. Wood used for cooking purposes also results in the loss of trees, which directly effects climate change. 1,000 families use 10,000 kg wood daily and about 50% of wood will be saved by the use of fuel efficient stoves.


Training of rural women on fuel efficient stoves will save 50% of wood and will also positively effect the environment as well as climate change. Fuel efficient stoves will save 5,000 kg wood from burning daily & Plantation Trees at household level to contribute for Green Pakistan.

Long-Term Impact

If women learn the technique of making fuel efficient stoves their health will be improved through a safe cooking environment. Similarly, 50% of wood will be salavaged from burning on a daily basis. Also, tree plantation will increase as will greenery and the environment.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).


Organization Information

Association for Humanitarian Development (AHD)

Location: Hyderabad, Sindh - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @#!/Khurshid77
Project Leader:
Khurshid Bhatti
President / CEO
Hyderabad , Sindh Pakistan
$22,019 raised of $34,500 goal
382 donations
$12,481 to go
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