The COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa has left a large portion of our population without any means of income, very few have access to social grants and foreign nationals have no support from government institutions. The HeadStart Trust is supporting already established community initiatives in the Cape Agulhas region, through food relief. We need your help to continue a sustained supply of food to these initiatives and the communities they support.
Many families (often consisting of 6 individuals or more) have lost their only source of income as a result of the strict lockdown measures implemented in South Africa, as a result of COVID-19. The communities of the southern Agulhas region are largely made up of families that live hand-to-mouth and piecemeal workers. Many are foreign nationals who do not meet municipal criteria for food parcels or government grants. Growing hunger is a stark reality facing these communities.
The funds raised from this project will be used to contribute towards supporting initiatives that are already in existence via municipal and religious institutions, and soup kitchens managed by community members. We wish to offer continued financial support to these Community Food Relief Efforts. We will support with food donations by providing logistics solutions via our farm vehicles and establish our own soup kitchen.
There is no clear end in sight for the lifting of the COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa. Hunger and desperation will lead to unrest. Supporting these community based food relief efforts is vital to the survival of our civil society. The soup kitchens running in 5 of the southern Agulhas towns currently feed 10- 20 000 people a week. Help us maintain the health and well-being of the families in these communities through food releif.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).