"Rolling Bridges" is an innovative project that seeks to acquire funds to purchase a multisensory van primarily aimed at serving children with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in the rural regions of Romania, one of the poorest areas within the European Union. This initiative is built on the principle of fostering inclusivity and accessibility, intending to "build bridges, not walls," for those who are often marginalized due to their special needs.
Children with developmental disabilities often have complex sensory needs that aren't met within traditional educational or community settings, particularly in areas with limited resources. Our project strives to address these challenges by bringing the necessary sensory stimulation and therapy to these children, directly to their doorstep, through a fully equipped multisensory van. Access to such specialized services is often non-existent for children residing in underprivileged rural areas.
A multisensory van is a specially modified vehicle outfitted with a variety of equipment designed to stimulate different senses - visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory. These include lights, soundscapes, tactile surfaces, and safe objects that children can interact with. These environments, known as sensory rooms or Snoezelen rooms, have been proven to be effective in helping children with special needs improve their sensory processing, communication, and overall behavior.
The Rolling Bridges project underscores the importance of accessible and inclusive care for children with special needs, regardless of their geographical or socioeconomic circumstances. We believe this multisensory van will bring therapeutic benefits to these children and serve as a catalyst for community engagement, fostering understanding, empathy, and inclusivity across rural Romania. Breaking down barriers to inclusion and ensuring they receive the care and stimulation they need to thrive.