Sadly, there are only 2,173 beds available for trafficked victims across the country of which Colorado + 8 west coast states only have a total of 401. This lack of housing is the reason that the FBI jails the victims. Upon jail release, the lack of housing again exposes the victims to pimps who can continue the trafficking cycle. This vicious cycle leaves victims helpless. Housing provides victims with safety/security, tools for self-sufficiency, dignity and hope for a new and sustainable life.
1.5m youths runaway/yr, 75% are females. Of the 200,000 on the street, 1 in 3 are lured into the sex trade within 48 hrs. Victims were homeless at least 30 days prior. US Dept of State says less than 3,000 beds available with only 401 in Colorado and eight Western states. FBI says courts jail victims for safety but are released after a few days back into the hands of the traffickers so the vicious cycle continues. Housing ensures safety & provides support for long term prevention & protection.
Restoration Housing Project will provide girls with safe & secure accommodations. This changes the trajectory of victim jail time and halts the ease of the vicious cycle of abuse. Girls will be introduced to a holistic approach to reintegration & sustainable restoration: self-sufficiency, overcoming shame & disgrace from community due to negative perceptions and misconceptions; empowerment for economic freedom & social integration and systems that support plans for prevention & protection.
Restoration House will provide the tools, resources and curricula/vocational education to assist with victim healing & reintegration into community. Housing significantly reduces the number of girls on the street which is an effective way to fight trafficking Survivors give back to the community & partner to identify and protect at-risk girls. We promote awareness and advocate for human rights. Communities are encouraged to engage in the fight for social justice for victims of trafficking.