The magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck the city of Kahramanmaras, Turkiye in the early hours of 6 February 2023. Tremors and aftershocks were felt across the region. More than 3,800 dead and 16,000 were injured. Besides, more than 5,600 buildings collapsed in Turkey and Syria. The Mustard Seed Mission immediately contact the local partner to send relief supplies to the affected people and families.
The buildings and critical infrastructure have collapsed or been critically weakened in the tremors in the Syrian cities of Aleppo and Hama. And, the weather now in Turkey is freezing cold and Gaziantep that a region near the epicenter has below-zero temperatures and snow, so many people are exposed to cold and wet. When the rescuers are racing to rescue survivors from the rubble, they are exposed to harsh winter. It's put thousands at risk
Stage 1: Providing the basic emergency supply kits in the shelter (including water, food, Warm clothing, blankets, and tents), and developing life care plans for victims, to prevent many deaths from preventable diseases or lack of clean drinking water. Other priorities are to provide healthcare facilities and emergency medical services. / Stage 2: Sending relief supplies for mid to long-term and caring for disaster victims' mental well-being. / Stage 3: Rebuilding their lives.
With the three stages of relief work, affected people and families will receive daily supplies and medical help during the winter. In the long term, mental caring services will be provided to the affected people and help them to get back to their regular lives.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).