Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation will help 350 people suffering from burns in Taiwan regain their physical functions, self-confidence and ability to live independently by providing comprehensive and specialized burn rehabilitation services. This includes physical and occupational therapy, pressure therapy, in addition to psychosocial support. Services are offered at the Sunshine Rehabilitation Center in Taipei, as well as through home outreach visits.
People suffering from major burns face a long rehabilitation process to regain their basic physical functions and live independently. This can last two years. However, pain, financial or transportation problems, emotional distress, lack of support or lack of knowledge about the importance of rehabilitation might delay or interrupt intervention, resulting in disabling deformities. This project will provide rehabilitation to over 350 people with burns from across Taiwan.
Sunshine Rehabilitation Center is the only community-based burns rehabilitation center in Taiwan. Burn therapists offer daily physical and occupational therapy services, including evaluation, wound care education, reconditioning exercises, range of motion exercises, functional activities, splinting, activities of daily living training and custom-made pressure garments. Therapists do home visits to design home rehabilitation programs. Group activities and outings enhance social adaptation.
50 burn survivors will undergo intensive rehabilitation at the Center for an average of 10 months, another 100 will benefit from rehabilitation consultations. 200 burn survivors will benefit from home rehabilitation visits. Major physical impairments caused by scar contracture (inability to walk, to use hands) will be corrected or prevented, burn survivors will be able to carry out daily activities independently and build the confidence to pursue an active and productive life in society.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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