C4HDI renders extra unique services to inmates, as the pivot of change. Apart from making them refined, employable and employers of labour when discharged, we drastically cut down recurrence of, and general nefarious activities by 90%, it restores tranquility in the nation and boosts production, import & export trade, increased employment including girls and women. Discharged inmates becomes trainers of skill too. Our vision is to create a decent Nigerian Society devoid of nefarious activities.
There is a recurrent increase in nefarious activities by our youth though culprits are jailed in large numbers but once they're discharged, they revert and added to the newly joined bad eggs. The community seems to be incorrigible with the attendant bad reputation. Economic, social and educational ventures are at its ebb for the unsafe conditions of life and property as a result. Investors, tourists, foreigners, locals are all fleeing the lucrative community.
This project will solve the problem holistically by deploying several scientific tools to the root problem; which is the prison. Youth Inmates are hitherto, worse off under custody. We employ expert Moral Instructors, Teachers, coaches & qualified medical team to take extra care of them. We educate them, train them in artisan, farming, crafts and sports. We enroll them for certificate examinations in order to be useful and productive once they are discharged. This guarantees tranquility.
The potential long-term impact of our project will be reflected in the general decrease in crime, increase in tourism, increase in investment, increase in international trade, increase is tranquility, guaranteed safety of lives and property, increase in employment, excellent education in which students will know and apply the benefits of population control and gender equality. More women shall gain employment and there will be increased volume of output which will reflect in the GDP. Emulative!
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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