Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children

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Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children
Reduce work hours for Ecuadorian street children


This project gives attention to those children and adolescents who are at risk due to child labor. We aim to achieve the restoration of the rights of our children, such as the right to education, the right to health care and the right to identity. We do so by giving educational workshops in order to address the importance of education and to promote the reduction of their children's working hours.

total raised
monthly donors


The children who attend the UBECI project accompany their parents early in the mornings to the markets, starting their workdays at 05:00 am. The environment in which they work is not suitable for their normal development. The factors surrounding their environment are: abuse, aggression, poverty, no education, no medical care, sexism, deprivation of legal rights, social discrimination and other factors which affect the normal development of a human being.


The project "Play, Do and Learn" gives attention to those children and adolescents who are at risk economically due to child labor. We aim to achieve the restoration of the rights of our children, such as the right to education, the right to health care and the right to identity. We do so by giving educational workshops in order to address the importance of education and to promote the reduction of their children's working hours. We point out that we give income support to those children.

Long-Term Impact

In 2015 we were able to help 372 children through this campaign. 78% of the children managed to enter school because of the attention we gave them during our project 'juego, hago y aprendo'. Please help us to continue to pursue our dream to provide The UBECI Foundation's mission to conduct activities and programs to help encourage children to develop their social and educational skills in order to reduce work hours and promote school attention.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Quito - Ecuador
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Mónica Rivadeneira
Quito , PICHINCHA Ecuador

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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