In La Comuna neighborhood of Quito, Ecuador, single mothers have very limited options to support their families with most living off of $20 a month. This project's goal is to build a recycling plant to employ 80 of the most vulnerable mothers to help them and their children have a better future
La Comuna is an impoverished community of 12,000 in Ecuador where women with children live on roughly a dollar a day selling in the streets or recycling bottles. These women don't receive any help from the government and have to raise their children alone.
Mothers of the community have basic recycling skills and strong work ethic but lack structure, training and a place to work, We will build a recycling plant that would generate employment and add skills by training them in the process and this would allow them to support their households and bring wellbeing to their families and help reduce waste in the process.
Ninos de Maria will provide employment to 80 families in Quito. This will bring financial stability and development to the area. Mothers that work in the recycling plant can educate their children in Escuela San Jose, which is part of our organization. This project aims to replicate in other parts of the country as a way to reduce poverty and serve the environment
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