Save Life Make Difference
Bujumbura Burundi
Project report: Pending project
The Save Life Make Difference organized a tree planting in the province of Bujumbura in Burundi, on May 25, 2022, as part of the “Youth for Peace” project. The main objective of the event was to promote and sensitize young people from Save Life Make Difference member states to two key messages, namely protecting the environment and promoting peace.
The tree planting event enjoyed massive participation from Save Life Make Difference member state youth leaders, Save Life Make Difference delegates, youth as well as local community residents.
For SAve Life MAke Difference, the National Strategy and Action Plan on climate change operationalizes the national policy in this area and complements the various programs and activities of the various sub-sector policies and strategies relating to agriculture, forestry, energy, water resources and health. Its period of validity is from 2022 to 2025. The objective of the climate change strategy is to strengthen Burundi's capacities and resilience to face the challenges of climate change. Specifically, it aims to provide a framework for the integration of climate change considerations into different sectoral policies and national development planning; strengthen the legal and institutional framework for effective coordination and implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions; promote the adoption of technologies and approaches that improve climate change resilience, poverty eradication and sustainable livelihoods; promote and support incentives and other economic instruments favoring investment in low-carbon development; strengthen adaptive capacity and improve collaboration, cooperation, synergy, partnership and participation in the development and implementation of adaptation and mitigation actions by all stakeholders. To achieve this objective, this strategy is structured around 7 strategic axes.
As part of adaptation and management of climate risks (Strategic Axis I), this strategy plans to: introduce innovative techniques into the agricultural system by building hydraulic structures and developing irrigated areas in regions with a rainfall deficit, by disseminating and popularizing rainwater harvesting techniques and their use for agricultural and domestic purposes among rural households and promoting small-scale hill irrigation; disseminate and popularize high-yielding, short-cycle food crops as well as drought-resistant forest and agroforestry species; encourage populations to breed small livestock that adapt to a dry climate, particularly goats; continue to make community infrastructure available to populations for the conservation of food crop seeds; strengthen drinking water supply systems in regions affected by drought and sanitation of flood-prone areas; and strengthen the weather forecast and early warning system.
With regard to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and low-carbon development (Strategic Axis II), the planned actions are: develop the national hydroelectric potential to increase the population's access rate to electricity. electricity and ensure the development of socio-economic sectors; promote and disseminate appropriate energy for rural and urban households; recover lignocellulosic waste for energy purposes; promote the rational use and saving of energy; promote decentralized rural electrification by pico-hydroelectric power plants, wind turbines and photovoltaic solar power; promote peat carbonization techniques to enable its use in households as a substitute for wood and charcoal; put in place incentive measures for energy saving and the promotion of low-carbon technologies; support ongoing reforestation programs by prioritizing the protection of watersheds and the provision of fuel for populations; and change behavior to improve energy efficiency and better social development of natural ecosystems, such as forests, effectively reflecting adaptation to the reality of climate change.
Regarding the promotion of Research, Development and technology transfer (Strategic Axis III); This strategy provides for the adoption of innovative products, techniques and technologies requiring technical and financial support from developed countries.
As part of capacity building (Strategic Axis IV), several priority actions have been planned: review all sectoral policies and strategies (agriculture, water, forestry, energy, health, biodiversity, sanitation) to ensure that they take take into account climate change and its impacts; integrate the risks linked to climate change into the sectoral action plans of the key Ministries concerned; strengthen the capacities of national institutions responsible for collecting data on climate change and research and development of technologies for adaptation to climate change; strengthen capabilities
Save Life Make difference