Psychosocial support for 300 Cambodian children

by Terre Des Hommes Netherlands
Psychosocial support for 300 Cambodian children
Psychosocial support for 300 Cambodian children
Psychosocial support for 300 Cambodian children
Psychosocial support for 300 Cambodian children


The sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism continues to be a major issue in Cambodia and there are not adequate psychosocial services for child victims. We will provide immediate psychosocial assistance and care at the crisis intervention stage after a child has been rescued from a situation of sexual exploitation.

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Cambodia is a major destination for sex tourists, with perpetrators being from both Western and Asian countries. With a lack of trained social workers and medical professionals to respond to the complex needs of children when they are rescued from sexually exploitative situations, children are not getting the critical care they need. Many families and communities are also unaware of the impact that this type of abuse has on their children, and are unable to provide the necessary support.


Providing immediate and quality psychosocial services and medical care to children following their rescue from situations of sexual exploitation ensures their needs are properly assessed and they receive the urgent care they so richly deserve.

Long-Term Impact

This project will provide immediate psychosocial services to 300 Cambodia children who have been rescued from sexual exploitation. Providing this support in the critical stages of trauma recovery, engaging families and caregivers to support recovery while addressing protective factors and continuously monitoring victims throughout their recovery will ensure the children are able to recover with the support they need and go on to lead safe, hopeful and productive lives.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Project Leader:
Rilian Agunos
Phnom Penh , Cambodia

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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