Street and Outreach work is at the heart of Glad's House - in 2006 we started as a street based Organisation to ensure that every child and young person could access support, not just those that were able to move into residential units. Our Project will ensure that every child and young person living on the streets of Mombasa has access to space and activities to play, get school support where needed, alternative family care and also support from Glad's House staff if they want it.
Mombasa County Government currently has no effective policies to support homeless children and young people, Instead it chooses to criminalise them, operating mass round ups or individual arrests where they are detained for the 'crime' of being homeless. This creates a vicious cycle where children move between the street, prisons & institutions. They have no space to play, relax or be together without fear of persecution, abuse or arrest.
The project will ensure that children and young people are able to to engage positively in activities that ensure they can play, relax and have adults that they can talk to. Creating these spaces will increase self esteem through positive engagement and open and honest discussions. Long term we will see the confidence and self worth of the children and young people we support increase which in turn leads to them making positive choices in their lives and for their futures.
This project will ensure that EVERY homeless child and young person in Mombasa, Kenya knows they have an adult they can turn to and access support from. Through this children and young people will be armed with information and choices that can lead to more positive futures.
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