The main goal of this project is assisting 1,500 people (300 families) who are in social vulnerability in Argentina. Your help will provide them nutritious food, prepared under the supervision of a nutritionist, who performs a personalized follow-up.
The health emergency that we have been suffering since March 2020 has increased the socio-economic problems of the families that we assisted because they lost their informal jobs during this pandemic. Our Foundation needs to make more efforts to assist them while the number of families in need are increasing on a daily basis. Our priority is to provide food to 300 families all along the duration of the pandemic In 2021, we will be assisting 300 families from vulnerable areas of BA, Argentina.
We will complement their daily meal, with basic rules of food education and personalized follow up.
We support the human development of the most needy people and families in the community. In these moments of extreme need, we help them to maintain their dignity. We aim at changing the social vulnerability context by promoting personal development of the family members.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).