Provide HIV services to 13,000 Vulnerable Ugandans

by Alive Medical Services
Provide HIV services to 13,000 Vulnerable Ugandans


The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the poverty level of many Ugandans including our clients and negatively affected HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights services and all other medical services. AIDS is not over yet! This project will enable 13,000 clients in Uganda access HIV prevention, care, treatment and support that has now been threatened by COVID 19 and contribute the HIV epidemic control.

total goal
monthly donor


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world, but no one is more impacted than the 13,000 vulnerable People living with HIV that we serve. As governments managed the spread of the virus, these essential life-saving HIV/SRHR services are being interrupted. This has become a serious threat to the hard-won gains in access and outcomes for some of the world's most vulnerable, marginalised and poorest populations. This project will serve more that 13,000 most vulnerable and marginalised Ugandans.


AMS provides access to HIV prevention, care, ARVS, other essential medicines for opportunistic infections and psychosocial support. Community distribution of supplies that include ARVS as well as adherence support meetings, prevention of mother to child HIV transmission through Ultrasound scan services, medicines for opportunistic infections, Nutrition support and counselling, Peers support to support young people to attain viral load suppression will be supported.

Long-Term Impact

The Long term impact will be the contribution to HIV Epidemic control and ending HIV/AIDS! This targets and is in line with the UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals by 2030 of having 95% of HIV Positive people knowing their HIV status, 95% of those who know their HIV status accessing ARVS and being retained in care and 95 of those retained in care virally suppressed .

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Alive Medical Services

Location: Kampala - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @AMSUganda
Project Leader:
Pasquine Ogunsanya
Founder and Executive Director
Kampala , Uganda
$72,583 raised of $90,000 goal
171 donations
$17,417 to go
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