Support 3 Care Groups and provide nutrition & health lessons to 357 moms of children under 5 to help treat & prevent acute malnutrition, which is devastating to their healthy growth & development. We will provide lessons in maternal nutrition, child feeding and water sanitation & hygiene. We will use the Care Group approach, which utilizes home-based follow-up to each mom to increase knowledge, provide greater peer and community support, and develop stronger commitments to health activities.
In the Ouest region of Haiti, 23% of children under 5 are chronically malnourished. This is devastating to young children whose brains and bodies depend on proper nutrition for healthy growth and development. While the damage is almost always irreversible and reaches far into the future, it is also entirely preventable. The right nutrition in the first 1,000 days of a child's life, conception to the child's 2nd birthday, can save lives and enable children to reach their full potential.
We provide hands-on lessons on maternal nutrition, infant and young child feeding, water and sanitation, and hygiene to 357 mothers of young children. We utilize the Care Group approach, which in addition to the lessons, also includes home-based follow-up to each mother/caregiver. This mother-to-mother education approach not only increases knowledge, but also provides greater peer support and develops stronger commitments to health activities, as well as building group and community solidarity.
The project will educate and support 357 mothers and their households allowing them to be aware of proper nutrition and appropriate water, sanitation, and hygiene practices. The increased support and community ties will create community wide behavior change, which results in the creation of new community norms and healthier, stronger children. This will help children to reach their full potential in school and in life.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).