Asosyasyon Peyizan Fondwa Haiti (APF) -- a proven successful peasant association in rural Haiti with 30+ years of experience -- is continuing reforestation and economic empowerment efforts in the mountains of Fondwa Haiti. APF will distribute 3,000 fruit trees to 300 farming families in the region, providing both reforestation and economic activity for recipient families.
98% of Haiti is deforested. Deforestation causes erosion, impacts agricultural yields, causes species and environmental degradation, and brings on economic decline. Why this happened is complicated, but the fact of deforestation is indisputable. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, revealed that Haiti has lost almost all its virgin forests. And because of the deforestation, these scholars estimate more than half Haiti's species will be wiped out by the year 2035.
A Haitian proverb says, Piti piti, zwazo fe nich. Little by little, the bird builds its nest. 3000 trees may not sound like a solution. But, every tree planted goes a long way toward creating an eventual solution. APF, in its 30-year history, has been well aware of the deforestation problem, and as a result has planted thousands of trees in their region. Their efforts -- both educational and action-oriented -- are ongoing. This is one of those on-going efforts.
Edrix Alcime, APF member, is the manager for this particular APF reforestation project. Edrix is experienced and understands that reforestation is not simply planting a seedling in the ground. Proper planting and placement, important training, the best selection of trees, etc. ... all plays a role in the success of the project. The nursery has already been built with a grant from a generous family foundation. Funds are sought for this proper management, training and distribution of trees.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).