With this project Little Rock plans to provide early childhood care, learning and school based occupation therapy to 250 vulnerable and special need children living in Nairobi's urban slums.
Currently more than 60% of children living in urban slums cannot access the needed early childhood care and early learning. our experience with this children is that they enter formal school not able to read write or add up.
Little Rock provides nutrition,medical care and early play and learning opportunities to vulnerable and special need children. The centre also provides school base occupation therapy to special need children.This interventions ensure children are reaching the needed emotional , physical and cognitive development milestones ; gaining the needed resilience to cope in learning environment and enhance social skills for every day interaction .
The project will provide Inclusive Early Childhood care, play and learn opportunities to 250 vulnerable and special need children. This opportunities ensure children are reaching development milestones and are gaining school ready skills. In the longterm, children are able to cope in formal school.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).