Western Rivers Conservancy acquires land along outstanding western rivers, including the Hoh, John Day, Sandy, Klamath, Bear, Gunnison, Sixteen Mile Creek, and Deer and Mill Creeks.
In every corner of the American West is a stream that cries out for protection, because it is habitat for endangered fish and wildlife, because it is the scenic centerpiece of a community, or because it is a favorite haunt of boaters, anglers, and hikers. Western Rivers Conservancy (WRC) answers those calls for help with one of the strongest tools for river protection: land acquisition.
Western Rivers Conservancy's programs safeguard healthy rivers for people, fish and wildlife. We buy riverlands from corporate and individual willing sellers and place the land in permanent conservation stewardship with agencies and organizations.
Western Rivers Conservancy's projects support the basic health and human service needs of people in our communities through the protection of drinking water sources, outdoor recreation opportunities and Native American ancestral lands.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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