For over three decades WaterWatch has protected and restored stream flows for fish, wildlife and the people who depend on healthy rivers. We appreciate your continued support on critical projects that will protect and restore Oregon's rivers, remove obsolete dams and secure balanced water policies for Oregon's future. Your support will keep water instream for river health, defend ecologically significant rivers from threats and restore streams for fish, wildlife and people across Oregon.
It is legal to drain a river dry in Oregon. This harms fish, wildlife, the public interest in waterways and anyone who uses or recreates on rivers. WaterWatch works to protect and restore streamflows in Oregon's rivers for fish, wildlife, and the people who depend on healthy rivers. Healthy rivers benefit fish and wildlife and local economies across Oregon.
WaterWatch advocates on behalf of streamflows and healthy rivers where ever decisions are made about Oregon's waters - before agencies, in the courts, and in the legislature. This "in the trenches" advocacy protects and restores streamflows across Oregon.
Healthy rivers and sound water policies are critical to Oregon's quality of life and economy. Healthy rivers are essential to salmon, steelhead, other fish and wildlife, recreation, and local economies. WaterWatch is working to leave a legacy of healthy rivers in Oregon for future generations.
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