Project Tai O Stray Cat

by Tai O Stray Cat Home
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat
Project Tai O Stray Cat


The problem of stray cats has never been taken seriously due to the lack of resources and ignorance by the government. With our mission and objectives, we need a lot of funding to provide medical care and neutering the stray cats, and to prevent them from starving. The 'Tai O Stray Cats Home Project' helps stray cats by means of providing daily living support and neutering to control its population. It also provides proper care to rescued new born cats until they are adopted.

total raised
monthly donors


The problem of stray cats has never been taken seriously due to the lack of resources and ignorance by the government. With our mission and objectives, we need a lot of funding to provide medical care and neutering the stray cats, and to prevent them from starving.


The 'Tai O Stray Cats Home Project' helps stray cats by means of providing daily living support and neutering to control its population. It also provides proper care to rescued new born cats until they are adopted.

Long-Term Impact

We hope by our rescue effort and ongoing support, we can successfully raise the awareness in the community to love and respect animals, and to reduce the number of abandoned pets.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).

Organization Information

Tai O Stray Cat Home

Location: Tai O, New Territories - Hong Kong SAR
Project Leader:
taiostraycathouse taiostraycathouse
Tai O, New Territories , NA Hong Kong SAR

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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