Led by valiant JEDI champions, our project embarks on a noble quest to uphold Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Serbia's poverty-stricken communities, where peer violence heavily impedes social-emotional growth. Let's unfold a legacy of true values, where every child feels safe regardless of their disadvantage or disability. With each workshop and counselling session, we weave kindness into the fabric of our culture, crafting a tapestry of resilience and wellbeing.
In Serbia's underserved, poverty-stricken communities, peer violence and bullying are pervasive issues that severely hinder social-emotional growth among children and youth. They face exclusion and fear in their daily lives, impacting their sense of safety and belonging. This environment not only affects their emotional and psychological well-being but also limits their opportunities for personal and academic development, causing irremediable consequences on their future lives.
This project addresses the urgent need to create JEDI-resilient environments that support every child, regardless of their (dis)abilities and (dis)advantages. By hosting 50 workshops and counselling sessions, we will reach over 10,000 children and youth, offering them the opportunity to feel safe and build resilience. These events will enable marginalized children to experience the joy of togetherness, foster a sense of belonging and develop strong social connections with their peers.
By upholding the values of JEDI knights - Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - this project will resonate throughout schools and communities, creating lasting positive change. Children who participate in our workshops and counselling sessions will carry the values of acceptance, wellbeing and resilience into their everyday lives. This will help break down social barriers and build a more inclusive society, creating a legacy of solidarity, kindness and integration for future generations.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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