By organizing trainings in several madrasahs, the project will improve career outcomes for madrassa students by linking them with important life and technical skills.
One of the biggest national concerns of the country has become spreading of violent extremism ideas among the population of Kyrgyzstan in the last 2-3 years. According to the last official data more than 350 Kyrgyz citizens have left for Syria to fight for Islamic State. The absolute number is comparatively not big but the dynamics is really threatening as 2-3 years ago there was nobody from Kyrgyzstan fighting for Islamic State anywhere. Project will affect at least to 150 student in madrasas.
The idea is to organize in-house training at madrasahs by attracting appropriate private training provider. For the selected professions the relevant equipment and facilities shall be provided for the madrasahs. The training approach consists of two major blocks: professional skills and life skills.
The project will train at least 150 student allowing them to get professional and life skills. By getting the professional skills student will increase own income generation. Student by development horizions of view will avoid and prevent himself form extremism and terrorism. Furthermore it will decrease the migration of the young generation in rural areas.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).