In iraq, 1 in 2 women living with breast cancer dies from it due to late diagnosis and limited healthcare access. Women present extremely late to the hospital as a result of lack of funds and awareness. To prevent these avoidable deaths, this project will provide healthcare access to 1200 underprivileged women from screening, to timely diagnosis and quality treatments. Your donation will help us to change these current narratives so breast cancer will no longer be a death sentence Iraq.
Sadly, women iraq have the highest breast cancer mortality rate . Limited access to quality healthcare, high out of pocket costs, compounded by lack of awareness about the benefits of early detection are among the many barriers to early detection. Women present with late stage breast cancer which reduces their chance of survival. As we all know, early detection is critical to increasing survival rate. This project will provide early access to vital healthcare services to women in need.
BAORD facilitates and funds screening mammograms to women in high risk groups , timely diagnosis and comprehensive treatment care for women in need. We increase breast cancer awareness across communities to empower women to present earlier with initial symptoms, self examine and be willing to seek timely and quality healthcare. Women with breast cancer will have improved outcomes and quality of life, increased chance of surviving the disease, which prevents these avoidable deaths.
This project will provide early access to breast cancer care services for 1200 underprivileged women, from screening to diagnosis and throughout treatment and post treatment care. It will increase breast health awareness on community and individual levels, to overcomes barriers to early detection, which will increase timely diagnosis, improve outcomes, reduce fatality and increase survival rate. These women can live on to build better future for their children and witness their milestone.
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