Our mission is to create a child friendly atmosphere and to provide them a safe and healthy environment through joyful education (Play schools). The play school concept is highly essential for helping the children to establish a daily routine and make education joyful. Underprivileged girls and boys of working parents from the slums between 1 to 6 years of age were taken and train them to be self confident and maintaining hygiene and cleanliness and mainstreamed in formal schools after 5 years.
The most vulnerable section of the slums are the children who could not express their wants and demand their rights. They live in an unhygienic, polluted environment without basic rights like education, nutrition, health care, safe drinking water & sanitation. Without basic education these children lured into anti-social activities by the goons in the slums. The growing incidents with the children like child trafficking and child sexual abuse is the sign of the illiteracy among slum dwellers.
We believe, through the Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) in the Play schools, we will be able to provide physical-moral and intellectual development, train and practice day to day routines, water-sanitation and hygienic habits not only to the children but also pass this message to the parents and community peoples. Ultimately it will create a child friendly environment in the urban slums. Community will be sensitized to send their wards to schools for education and it will reduce crimes.
The Project will serve 300 underprivileged slum children. They will be trained in the Play Schools in both English and regional language through joyful methods. After completion of play school education they will be mainstreamed in the formal schools. Indirectly, the project will serve 5000 people (approximately) in 10 slums. It will aware and educate them, especially the parents on education, health, hygiene, safe drinking water, sanitation and environment through monthly meetings.