This project seeks to support the on-going struggle of Palestinians to rebuild by providing resources for villages to plant trees that are indigenous to Palestine's natural environment and agricultural life.
This is part of the campaign to stop the Jewish National Fund (JNF). For over 110 years the JNF has played a central role in the on-going displacement and dispossession of Palestinians from their land and homes. The JNF is most commonly known for its campaign to 'plant a tree in Israel' in order to 'make the desert bloom.' However, the JNF trees have never been planted in a barren desert empty. Lands are obtained from Palestinians through tactics like exploitative sales or forced removal.
Rebuilding and replanting are acts of daily resistance in Palestine. This project seeks to support the on-going struggle of Palestinians to rebuild by providing resources for villages to plant trees that are indigenous to Palestine. It is not possible to replace what is lost when people are displaced, land and a way of life is destroyed, ancient olive trees uprooted. But this project provides solidarity and support to Palestinian farmers living under occupation.
Every year, Stop the Wall and the Palestinian Farmer's Union will coordinate planting days. On these days, the Farmer's Union will deliver the trees. With community members joined by their fellow Palestinians and international volunteers, they will spend a day planting trees in villages where families are facing Israeli land theft, settler attacks, military incursions, the poisoning and uprooting of ancient trees. These indigenous trees help the environment and provide livelihoods to families.
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