Deforestation, soil erosion, and poverty are ongoing compounding problems in Haiti that degrade the quality of Haitian life, particularly for women who also endure the hardship of gender discrimination. By buying a few trees, many of them fruit trees, you can help provide the women and children of Fanm Kap Plante with resources to restore their local landscape, grow food and income, and connect with their personal power! Plant a tree, lower your impact, and help women and children in Haiti.
Haiti is endemic to deforestation and soil erosion due to years of agricultural exploitation. Today only 2% of Haitian forests still exist, and top soil of forest-less mountainsides is washed away every year, decreasing the agricultural ability in the country. Haiti is also plagued with poverty, an issue that hurts women the most due to structural female oppression in Haitian society. In the US, our lifestyles contribute to global warming, yet we have few simple ways to lessen our impact.
Planting fruit and jimba trees is a creative solution to tree-cutting because a mature tree's fruit is more valuable to an individual than fuel and jimba trees re-grow fast enough to be an ongoing source of firewood. Providing women with the resources to plant these trees will help them own a solution to restore their landscape, earn income, and grow food. By providing YOU with a meaningful and tax-deductible way to reduce your impact, we are empowering you to pause, consider, and do more.
As the trees grow, the women and their families will have ongoing access to fruit as food and income, and the quality of the local soil will improve, increasing the agricultural opportunity in the area. The trees will also stand as living educational solutions to tree-cutting and erosion for future generations. The vision is that beneficiaries, including you, will experience a sense of empowerment that bolsters and affirms their ability to positively influence their environment.