Project Report
| Jun 17, 2023
The new ECD Classes are fully operationalised
By James Omolo | Project Leader
![The newly built ECD classes]()
The newly built ECD classes
This term our children are enjoying their new two newly built classrooms which have been occupied by the youngest learners in our PP1 and PP2 Grades and the children are very happy that after along time period they can now enjoy learning under this new classrooms which are mordern and with new good floor without any dusting conditions as before.
The children used to be in very conjested rooms which we had temporarily phoused them into before this new building came up courtessy of the KCDF and other donors like you here who have enebled us to make this huge milestone in terms of the building of our classes which were damaged by the floods in ealeier years. Much thanks to the whom have been so supportive to this project and am so happy that we have achieved this so far.
Now the main task ahead is to complete the remaining classrooms which are now in very bad situations to house the lower primary grades 1 to 3 and we need to build the remainder three modern classrooms before next year hence we really count on your support towards this and hopefully even these grades would be in new classrooms as soon as possible come3 next year.
Our school is performing so well in the regional examinations and our grade eight still remains to be the top class in our villager and this gives us much hope of transfroi9ng the lives of these children so that they will be having a better future together and break the viciuos circle of porverty in paponditi village.
Jan 31, 2023
Our Two New Classrooms are ready for the small children in Nursery
By James Omolo | Project Leader
This year we are pleased to report that our new classrooms which were being built are now ready to host our youngest children in the Pre primary classrooms. these two classroom were made possible through a partnership with the local NGO KCDF KENYA which gave us a matching fund grant to rebuild our classes especially the ones hosting the smallest children in our school. these 90 pupils are now happy to be having new classrooms within the school's compound this after their two classrooms were swept by the floods three years ago when we started this campaigns. am so happy to report that we have achieved this through local funds drive and through people like you whom believed in our cause. We now need to equip these newly built classes with modern furniture and equipments for these young learners whom have opened and have been admitted in to these classes.
If we go like this we shall be able to have a very conducive environment for our children and we still have four classes to go hence we still need your much needed support for us to achieve all these. we are required to have at least eight classrooms and so far we are at half way done and with your support we are going to achieve all these remaining classes sooner. For our children it was a great joy for them to feel inside these newly built classes and more children have gained admissions this year like no other year before and we would wish to maintain this trajectory so that we are able to give the kids the best in matters education for their own good in their future lives.
Sep 26, 2022
Learning Resumes for third term 2022
By James Omolo | Project Leader
Hello friends, am happy to report that learning has finally began this week for the third term of 2022 the pupils reported to school yesterday Monday 26th September 2022 and learning has officially began normally even though we still have less classrooms we are struggling very much to accommodate every pupil within the school. This year we will be sitting the final examinations for end of primary education exams and our pupils in grade eight have been well prepared and will do well in their final examinations.
On the progress of the buildings the ECD block is finally finished and we shall migrate our pupils to it soon once its officially opened with the relevant authority after inspections are done and am happy to report to you that once it's opened our children will be abit relieved there by remaining with only three classrooms to go and all shall have been achieved for all the eight classrooms as envisioned in this project. So far so good we are doing fine and this dream to have eight classrooms is on course and am really thankful to all who have been donating to us towards this worthy cause. The newly built classrooms have been able to withstand the flood waters hence very stable and can be used for many years without many repairs. This is a big plus in retaining the pupils within our school.