This project provides education, awareness, and access to services for vulnerable women and girls living in remote communities of Nepal, who continue to suffer from the physical and social impact of the 2015 earthquake. By informing women and girls of their human rights and the services they are entitled to, they become empowered and challenge the societal norms of gender inequality.
While the state of emergency in Nepal has ended, things are hardly back to "normal". Deeply rooted patriarchal views that see women and girls as lesser beings have resulted in ongoing violence and oppression, making them exceptionally vulnerable to crimes like child marriage, rape, and sex trafficking. This also significantly increases rates of early pregnancies, STIs, and reproductive health complications. Shortages of water and shelter further increase female vulnerability to trafficking.
The Outreach program targets gender-based violence (GBV) and gender disparity by providing daily education and access to GBV services for vulnerable women and girls. This is a safe space where they can go to report incidences of violence, seek services, attend educational workshops, obtain vital identification, and feel supported. It also refers females of all ages to health, legal, and other services available to them. Once a month, men and boys are also included in awareness sessions.
In providing ongoing education and information, girls and women will have increased awareness of their rights and the services available to them. With this knowledge, they become empowered, more likely to report incidences of violence and reclaim ownership of their lives. Furthermore, when entire communities learn of both the prevalence of gender disparity and its repercussions for EVERYONE, the cycle of violence and inequality can be broken. Education is absolutely critical for achieving this.