There are currently an estimated 16,000 children residing in institutions across Cambodia. In partnership with the Cambodian government, we have set out to transform their child welfare system by prioritising family-based care. We've been hard at work since 2022 and we're pleased with how the project is advancing. As things progress, we’ve taken a second to reflect on the work that’s been done so far, and how far we’ve come from where we started. To date, our work has impacted the child welfare system at three levels.
Systemic Reform:
We partnered with the Ministry of Social Affairs to develop a national family placement service model. By training local practitioners and establishing best practices, we are creating a sustainable foundation for the future national family placement programme. This ensures that government staff across the nation are euqipped with the knowledge needed for long-term success.
Our work has meant the government has committed to providing financial support for all children transitioning from residential care to family placement starting in 2025. This policy demonstrates a commitment to the well-being and stability of these children.
The Ministry of Social Affairs has also agreed to train residential care institution staff to act as 'para social workers.’ This strengthens the social care workforce, paving the way for family placement to become a sustainable alternative to institutional care.
Training and Consultation:
We conducted training sessions for senior government officials, emphasizing the benefits of family-based care over institutional care. This initiative has increased their commitment to prioritizing the safety and well-being of vulnerable children and orphans.
Our training for government social workers ensures that social workers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide quality care and support to children in need.
We have trained prospective family carers, with several already having children placed with them. Following successful recruitment campaigns, additional family carers are set to undertake our training programme this month.
Regular follow ups regarding casework with government staff reinforce our training activities, ensuring our best practice guidelines are followed.
Positive Impact for Children and Families:
A major milestone was the placement of the first child in family-based care by government social workers. We have also facilitated the placement of additional abandoned children with loving families, ensuring they now have the opportunity to thrive in nurturing and committed family environments.
Partnering with local government staff, we organized recruitment campaigns, raising awareness about the benefits of family-based care. Government staff are following up with interested community members.
Our partnership with the government is leading to the establishment of Cambodia's first family placement register. This register will mean a list of suitable foster families is kept on stand by, allowing for tailored placement decisions that promote children's well-being and stability.
We’re pleased with the progress that has been made so far, and we’re encouraged by how receptive the government has been in incorporating our methodology. As the project continues to progress, we will make sure to keep you updated!