This project will bring awareness on organic farming to 20000 farmers and how the Organic farming works to increase sustainability, biodiversity, and to encourage good soil and air quality. This is maintained by the use of natural growing practices, the avoidance of harmful chemicals, and the continued practice of crop rotation and other natural farming methods. Organic food is healthier because contain no residues of any synthetic chemicals but also due to the fact that it is more nutritious
Conventional food production practices involve the use of chemicals which have a devastating effect on the environment, while the residues of these chemicals in food products have dubious effects on human health. All food products on the market including those that contain residues of pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones and other types of chemicals are used for production and processing are said to be safe. It is important to be aware of effects of chemicals in long term remain unknown
Organic food is healthier because it does not contain residues of any synthetic chemicals but also due to the fact that it is more nutritious.
Organic food is more nutritious. Organic farming reduces pollution, compared to modern-day farming methods, better for the environment. Organically grown food have more nutrients, but because of the variation in production and food handling. CHHASE will bring awareness to organic farmers to keep their crops natural and urge to use compost and animal manure, crop rotations to keep their soil healthy. Organic farming keep our community healthy. It can keep us away from worst food-borne illnesses
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