We engage youth in positive sport-based youth development programs that promote health, education, civic engagement, and leadership. We play, lead, and inspire. Our youth-led, neighborhood-based soccer leagues create a platform for fun, engaging experiences that give youth a voice in their own development and community service.
Our target youth population, boys and girls age 10-18, live in communities which face obstacles that compromise their economic, health, and personal security. They lack positive role models and mentors and easily are influenced to engage in negative and destructive behaviors. Many have little hope for their future.
We create a network for youth to feel safe and learn from mentors and role models. We give them the opportunity to play their favorite game. We encourage them to stay in school. They create and hold leadership roles by electing their peers to neighborhood youth councils and participating in capacity building workshops. Over the next few years, we aim to scale this model and bring it into other communities across the country and continent of Africa.
We are striving to keep youth in school and provide a supportive environment where they can grow as leaders and citizens who contribute to a better future in Cameroon. Our innovative approach to community development through sport brings people together around the soccer field and incorporates value-based education right into the match. We are changing the way youth in the developing world play the game of soccer, and using their passion - and that of the community as a whole - to change lives.
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