Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico

by Club de Ninos y Ninas del D.F. & Estado de Mexico AC
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Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico
Opening doors to 2000 bright futures in Mexico


The Club de Ninos y Ninas Tecamac/Ecatepec offers a safe and secure place to vulnerable children and youth during the time after school. We offer our Club members well oriented activities such as arts, music, sports, recreation, homework help, computer tutoring and nutritional programs, thereby promoting the health, social, educational, vocational and character development of boys and girls. Our members acquire the necessary skills to succeed and to leave the Club with a path for life.

total raised
monthly donors


The after school hours are critical for our members as they are often unattended and vulnerable to safety risks. The community of Tecamac/Ecatepec has a high incidence of drug use and abuse (68%) - kids usually have their first contact with drugs at the age of 11. Other problematical indicators include violence, delinquency, and a high rate of school drop-out. Alarming rates of diabetes and obesity are also observed. Furthermore, an increasing number of teen girls become pregnant at ages 12-14.


The Club de Ninos y Ninas offers a fun and safe place to learn and grow during critical after school hours. Our Club has a daily capacity for 2000 children ages 6-18 in the municipalities of Ecatepec/Tecamac considered as high risk areas in Mexico. The Club enables young people, especially those that need it most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible members of society through our comprehensive program.

Long-Term Impact

Club de Ninos y Ninas is a proven risk prevention model that has successfully reduced critical behaviors in children, we encourage our members to follow-up their academic path and lead a healthier lifestyle than their peers in the communities we serve. The CNYN's afterschool programs develop young people's capacity to engage in a positive behaviour to nurture their well-being, set personal goals and grow into self-sufficient adults.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Club de Ninos y Ninas del D.F. & Estado de Mexico AC

Location: Tecamac, Estado de Mexico - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ClubNinosNinasDF/MEX
Project Leader:
Angelica Ramírez
Mexico City , Mexico

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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