Our project aims to provide tutoring and coaching aid which will be done remotely to help the blind students study even in pandemic times anytime anywhere at their safety and comfort levels
School closure during the recent Covid-19 pandemic has caused further setbacks to the Blind students to progress in education. Unable to attend schools for a prolonged period will cause these Blind students to lag and be left behind even further in their education.
In partnering with our nation's largest education content provider, we have digitally renovated their existing virtual learning platform to be navigated by blind students in their studies. Today's advance in open-source accessible technology for the disabled and wide coverage of Internet helps these blind students to study anytime anywhere at a safe and comfortable level with this virtual e-learning platform as compared to Braille resources that are expensive to produce, bulky and non-portable.
Equalities in education opportunities for the blind and other impaired students leading to the prospects of having more educated dignified impaired people that can further enable and empower them towards gaining economic self- sufficiency without depending on handouts. With today's technology, this inequal education landscape can be transformed for this often left behind community in their education even during pandemic times.