The Lake Clinic provides health care to nine floating villages across the Tonle Sap in Cambodia. Taking care of each patient would not be possible if there wasn't fuel to ensure the transportation for the medical teams to the lake villagers. Through health care and wellness education, TLC serves the underserved. Help fund a month worth of fuel for The Lake Clinic!
100,000 people live in floating villages across the Tonle Sap. These villages are isolated and removed from the rest of Cambodia with the closest village TLC serves being 30km to port and the furthest is 100km to port. The average family earns $2.50 per day and the cost to reach the nearest government health center is more than $50 in fuel. Most villagers do not receive any health care because they can't afford to leave their homes to see a doctor leaving them ill from preventable diseases.
TLC meets these villagers where they are. We spend one week in each of these villages every month and treat generalized outpatient care for free. The Lake Clinic Cambodia brings basic health care, disease surveillance, and proper medical referrals to the most remote and isolated villages on the Tonle Sap lake and along its shores.
This project seeks to change the nature of health care on the lake. We educate on the causes of disease and how to prevent basic health. We install water filters and teach the importance of clean water and sanitation in order to better your family's health. TLC will provide care to all 10,000 villagers who would otherwise go without every year.