This project will provide an offline computer Lab for Children in remote Pre-schools in Sierra Leone and provides educational technology learning to children that dose not have a consistent access to internet and computers. This project will focuses on the setting up physical computers lab in community schools where the children can able to learn and explore computer skills and applications offline and the project seeks to bridge the digital divide and ensure equal opportunities for every child.
There are currently 200 remote children that are limited access to offline computer learning in six remote communities schools and this children lacks the infrastructure and technology lab, computers, software, application and educational learning resources to support this children. The children lack the exposure to explore in learning computers and digital devices which makes the children were blocked and struggle with the basic digital literacy technology in computers skills and opportunities.
The project will help to provide and develop an educational platform technology lab were we can empowered and provide the children with software application, desktop computers, offline serves, computer lab furniture's , and the interactive materials specifically designed for the offline computer lab. The project will provide teachers to trained the children to enhance the digital literacy and computers operation software usage,troubleshooting and offline safety practices process and collaborate.
The project will will make a change by providing offline resources and technology infrastructure and the project will help to bridge the digital divide and ensure that the children in the undeserved communities have the access to the offline computer lab and the resources. The project can help to reduced and break the barrier of technology and inequalities for the children and also develop digital literacy skills and enriched the learning opportunities that important in today digital world.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).
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