In response to WHO's Active Aging approach, Hondao has established the "BULAO Baseball League," focusing on the social engagement and mental health of adults over 65. We redesigned tournament rules and training programs to enhance the health, participation and safety of older adults. As of 2024, there are 19 teams with 667 participants. Organizing tournament games helps participants set goals for better results, develop regular exercise habits, and receive psychological support from their teams.
For adults over the age of 65, the decline in muscle mass with age is inevitable. Many studies indicate that this contributes to limited mobility, which in turn affects their social engagement and mental health. Most older adults lack regular exercise habits and do not pay attention to their health. As they age, they become increasingly concerned about their stamina and ability to handle physical activities. Despite their desire to play baseball, many are hesitant to pursue this interest.
Hondao established the "BULAO Baseball League" to assist communities in forming local BULAO baseball teams, redesigned tournament rules suitable for older adults, and organized tournament games to motivate more older adults interested in baseball to pursue their dreams and develop regular exercise habits. This project aims to inspire the public to believe in the capabilities of older adults and create a more diverse and inclusive environment for them to engage in recreational activities.
In 2024, Hondao will organize 3 tournament games with 570 players, among whom the oldest is 90; 1 grand league gathering and 1 international exhibition game to encourage the exchange of experiences; 5 community introductory courses, inviting BULAO baseball players to remote areas to engage with older adults new to baseball, fostering the concepts of health and exercise through mutual learning; and lastly, 1 intergenerational exhibition game promoting that baseball can be enjoyed by all ages.
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