Project Report
| Mar 6, 2018
Health Center Upgrade Campaign - Coming Soon!
By Lara Gruye | Junior Board Member, Global Giving Project Lead
This woman came in to the health center with severe cerebral malaria. She developed her baby prematurely. We are not sure what happened to her or the baby because they were transferred as we weren't able to properly care for her. These are the areas we're trying to improve with the new hospital. We will raise funds to upgrade the facilities and bring in those who can help take care of patients like this woman.
A new fundraising campaign to raise funds to upgrade a Ugandan Health Center is coming soon!
We thank you for your help and support.
The NETwork Against Malaria Team
Dec 7, 2017
NETwork Against Malaria-An Exciting Announcement!
By Lara Gruye | Junior Board Member, Global Giving Project Lead
![The Katulikire Health Center that we will upgrade]()
The Katulikire Health Center that we will upgrade
Happy holidays from NETwork Against Malaria!
We appreciate your support in helping Ugandan women and children fight malaria by providing funds to purchase bed nets.
NETwork Against Malaria is excited to announce that we will be starting a new, concurrent fundraising campaign as we strive to raise $90,000 to convert a local Ugandan health center into a fully functioning hospital to bring exceptional healthcare to one of the poorest, most remote, and neediest places. This campaign will launch on Global Giving in the near future.
This holiday season give the gift of life.
Thank you for your support!
The NETwork Against Malaria Team
Sep 7, 2017
Jasper's Story
By Margaret McGlynn and Lara Gruye | Founder and Board Member
Jasper was proud to show us the net he received years ago and still uses. His mother, newly widowed, was so glad to meet those who gave him the net, she shared with us bananas and corn. She works the farm alone while Jasper is in school. He walks three miles home from school and then spends his evening and nights laboring by her side.
We thank you for your continued support for children like Jasper, and look forward to working together to eradicate this disease. Your donations have helped us to stop malaria, promote education in rural Uganda, and spread awareness about the detrimental effects of malaria.