This project provides a month of freedom and protection for Matsieng, Zukhara, Tswalu, and Kalahari of the Tsau White Lion Pride in their endemic habitat of the Greater Timbavati region in South Africa's Kruger-2-Canyons Biosphere. The project covers one month of security and survival costs for these critically endangered animals - the last surviving white lions in the wilds of their natural pridelands, persecuted beyond these borders.
There are 10 wild white lions left in their natural habitat. Despite their rarity and cultural significance, white lions lack international legislative protection and are victims of trophy hunting, poaching and human-wildlife conflict. In South Africa, "canned hunting", or killing of tame lions in cages, is permitted. This leading conservation project ensures security and care for 4 lions in their endemic pridelands for one month.
A month of freedom for Matsieng, Zukhara, Tswalu and Kalahari covers costs for management of the Tsau protected area (approximately 1,800 acres), veterinary emergencies, protection from trophy hunting threats, anti-poaching security, scientific research and daily monitoring. The project provides an opportunity for this pride of two lions and two lionesses to have cubs in the wild and ensure the survival of the white lion population in their endemic pridelands.
This project will protect 4 white lions for one month and contribute to the ongoing success of long-term efforts to protect the critically endangered white lions in the Kruger-2-Canyons Biosphere region by strengthening their numbers and upholding their cultural significance. Our vision is to ensure that White Lions are protected by international law, flourishing within the resilient ecosystem of their endemic habitat, and inspiring harmonious coexistence between lions, land and people.