Hurricane Sandy Relief for Santiago, Cuba

by Global Links
Hurricane Sandy Relief for Santiago, Cuba
Hurricane Sandy Relief for Santiago, Cuba
Hurricane Sandy Relief for Santiago, Cuba
Hurricane Sandy Relief for Santiago, Cuba
Hurricane Sandy Relief for Santiago, Cuba
Hurricane Sandy Relief for Santiago, Cuba


Hurricane Sandy directly hit Cuba's second largest city, Santiago- flattening homes, hospitals and schools and affecting over one million people. Global Links is partnering with MEDICC and PAHO/WHO to help the damaged hospitals recover and continue providing health services. Your donations will help Global Links ship medical materials for the hospitals and medical school, which was flooded by the hurricane.

total raised
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Hurricane Sandy caused extensive flooding in eastern Cuba. Many hospitals in Santiago, as well as in Guatanamo, Granma, and Holguin were severely damaged. The medical school was flooded and all library materials were lost.


This fund will support relief shipments of medical materials that will address the needs of the principal hospitals and medical school that were damaged during the storm. Global Links is working with the Pan American Health Organization/WHO and MEDICC to determine what materials can be provided in the short and long-term to support recovery of health services in the affected facilities.

Long-Term Impact

By replacing hospital furnishings and equipment damaged by the storm, and by providing medical supplies, the medical staff will be able to restore health services for their patients. THe major provincial hospitals affected serve a population of over 1 million people, the second most populous city in Cuba.


Organization Information

Global Links

Location: Pittsburgh, PA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @GlobalLinks3
Project Leader:
Global Links
Deputy Director
Pittsburgh , PA United States

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Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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