There are more than 240 thousand people living with AIDS in Myanmar. For those people, finding a job and have medical healthcare is a daily struggle, because AIDS is a strong stigma in Myanmar. Coronavirus has worsened their situation since they are heavily immunosuppressed. MedAcross help AIDS patients in South Myanmar with free medical visits and medicines, giving health counselling and providing safe food and water to avoid additional illnesses. Help us don't let down who has no one else.
In Myanmar, AIDS is a strong stigma and patients often avoid medical treatment to hide their condition from the community. This worsens their immunosuppression situation, causing the spreading of the disease among families. Coronavirus pandemic has worsened the situation of AIDS patients: many people lost their job and have difficulties sustaining their families, with that consequence of getting more marginalized and sick.
MedAcross provide free medical visits, additional medication and health counselling to avoid AIDS spreading in communities. To solve the AIDS stigma on our patients, we help them get national medications ensuring their anonymity. We also provide school fees and safe food and water to AIDS families in the Kawthaung district, reducing drastically infectious diseases (extremely dangerous for immunosuppressed patients).
The project will give free healthcare to AIDS patients in the Kawthaung district, where many people coming out of Thailand sex trafficking lives. MedAcross' medical and social counselling help AIDS patients to avoid spreading disease in families and contribute to humanizing patients' conditions in the community. Our pragmatic approach changes drastically the life conditions of patients and helps the whole Kawthaung community to overcome AIDS stigma by knowing the disease and protect everyone.