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Meals for 1850 Young Students in Pakistan

by Fatima Memorial Hospital
Meals for 1850 Young Students in Pakistan


In 1985, the NUR Community Outreach Program (NCOP) was launched with the mission "to work towards poverty alleviation by creating access to better education, health and economic development". As part of the NUR Community Outreach Program, the NUR Food Bank was started to provide meals on a weekly basis to every child at the NUR Foundation Schools. In the future, we aim to provide such meals on a daily basis in order to alleviate the hunger crisis among the school going children.

total goal
monthly donors


The children at NUR Foundation Schools come from penurious backgrounds where the parents are unable to provide the basic necessities of life to their children like food. Hence, we at NUR Foundation realized that for the children to be able to focus on their studies, they must be provided with a healthy meal. However, due to the lack of funds, the meals are provided on a weekly rather than daily.


The daily provision of healthy meals to the underprivileged students at NUR Foundation schools is necessary for the children to be able to focus and excel in their studies.

Long-Term Impact

The alleviation of hunger and the improvement of children's health would eventually bring down Pakistan Hunger Score and will bode well for the socio-economic success of the nation.


Organization Information

Fatima Memorial Hospital

Location: Lahore, Punjab - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @nur_crp
Project Leader:
Arif Kabani
Lahore , Punjab Pakistan
$20,784 raised of $74,000 goal
280 donations
$53,216 to go
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