The mission of the Agroecology Initiative is to train and provide tools to resource poor farmers to enhance outcomes using high-yield, Grow Biointensive agricultural techniques, regenerative practices that build soil , develop demonstration gardens in regions that give workshops, set up tree nurseries, seed saving, bee keeping and implementing restorative practices to address the issues around Climate Change in food production
In Kenya and in farming communities all over the world. people are having to contend with the profound and accelerating impact of climate change, from drought to flooding, from locusts to crop pests. Since industrial farming is responsible for nearly 30-50% of global greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable food systems are essential to our survival on earth. Almost half of Kenya's extreme poor live in rural villages and lack means and skills to boost their agricultural efforts.
We are working with long time partner, Joshua Machinga/Common Ground for Africa (CGA) who promotes smallholder farming, conservation, market based, local economics and entrepreneurship in Kenya. Agricultural yields and profits are only a fraction of their potential since the region is full of opportunities for growth, including labor, land and thousands of farmers eager for change.
Poverty coupled with drought, declining soil fertility, and soil erosion, poses major threats to the ability of communities to feed themselves. Due to the effects of decades of bad farming practices like mono-cropping on decreasing land sizes, hunger and starvation have become a serious threat. Change is necessary through education and support of tools and supplies to get poor farmers on their feet and thriving in their environment. Its the only hope they have.
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